Ways to put massage chairs to use


Most commonly massage chairs are used at home, after all, this is where we spend most of our time. But this is not the only place where they perform well. In the next episode of our vlog we take a look at places where massage chairs can be successfully employed. Paweł mentions these places, discusses international solutions as well as reveals in which unique places you can come across our chairs.

Massage chair at home

Most of our massage chairs are used in houses and apartments, where they look after the well-being of family members, and quite frequently also the guests. Depending on the user’s needs, they can be found in living rooms, bedrooms, gyms, playrooms and even garages (yes, we have actually had such a case :-)) – practically in every possible room… although we haven’t installed it in the bathroom. Yet ;-). You can find the detailed description of the most popular places for a massage chair, their respective advantages and disadvantages, as well as tips for choosing the right place at home in one of our previous articles Massage chair in your house

Massage chair in the waiting room

Another place where massage chairs appear with great frequency are waiting rooms in the broad sense, where customers, while waiting for the desired service, can sit down, activate the massage, relax and unwind:

  • in a car dealership – the massage may prove indispensable for calming the Customer before the final figure for the repair is specified ;-), also for those waiting for maintenance or to pick up the car afterwards,
  • in a hairdressing salon and beauty parlour – for clients with hair dye, applied masks and for those waiting for treatment, especially during the delays that sometimes occur – a relaxing massage will be an excellent compensation and can serve as a complementary service,
  • in the hotel lobby, but also in the hotel SPA – to increase the satisfaction of the client who waits for the room and during short breaks between business meetings, as well as in the wellness area – for perfect relaxation and rejuvenation,
  • in a dentist surgery – massage is perfect for relaxing and calming a frightened patient,

there are delays, but often also an upgrade or an additional service. Typically you will find Massaggio Eccellente 2 or Massaggio Bello 2 massage chairs in the waiting rooms, both of which offer a comprehensive, highly relaxing massage, and at the same time the lack of a foot massager in these models is an advantage – it does not require customers to take off their shoes.

The massage chair in the office relaxation area

More and more often and more eagerly, employers are trying to take care of their staff by providing them with relaxation rooms. Before work or during breaks, employees are granted access to a room with massage chairs and other relaxing equipment. Massage in a massage chair, even a few minutes long, allows for more efficient work by calming down, de-stressing and relieving of tension. It eliminates discomfort and pain arising after long hours of working behind a desk, bringing pleasant relief. You can read about other benefits of short-term recuperation in a massage chair on our dedicated page Chillout Room in your company

As you see, massage chairs can be used in a wide variety of places, basically anywhere there is a place and some time to relax. So if you are thinking about a massage chair for yourself, for clients or employees and have questions, feel free to contact us.


Paul – Where are the most popular places for massage chairs to be used?

In our experience, at home, at work and in waiting rooms, but I think you wanted a longer answer.

Massage chairs are mostly used at home, but there are other places where they can perform just as well. From our experience and looking at customer feedback we discovered 3 places which appeared to be the most popular.

So which is the most popular?

Not surprisingly, at home, because this is where massage chairs are used to look after the well-being of family members and often their guests as well. They can find their ways into living rooms, bedrooms, gyms and home offices. They can go in any room. It really just depends on the user’s needs.

So, now I’m intrigued – where else?

They are ideal for waiting rooms, where customers can relax and wait in comfort.
It is also not unusual for us to deliver chairs to car show-rooms; hairdressers; beauty salons; hotel lobbies; spa facilities and dentists.

In these circumstances, they can also be considered as an upgrade or an extra service, and they are also very useful if there’s any delay. The best models here are those without a foot massager, because the clients don’t have to take their shoes off.

And the third place?

Employers are becoming more aware of the need to look after their staff. Before work or during breaks, employees often have the opportunity to use a room where they can relax and this is the perfect place for a massage chair.

Even if it’s only used for a few minutes, a massage is soothing, relaxing and can relieve tension from the discomfort of sitting for long hours at a desk. This can re-energise and motivate staff which is always a Positive result.

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Questions? Doubts? Difficulties choosing a massage chair? Our experts are at your disposal.

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Published: 2023.05.11

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