Massage in the massage chair versus massage by a professional masseur


Massage chairs perform the massage by means of massaging arms that mimic the movements of the masseur’s hands. As a result, we often wonder whether such a massage can replace weekly visits to professionals. In the article below, we explain the differences between massage in the massage chair and the one performed by a masseur and let Mr. Marcin, a professional masseur, talk about his work in the massage parlour, as he has decided to introduce the massage chair as an additional massage solution.

Table of contents:

When to opt for massage performed by a masseur?

The massage chair imitates the movements of the massage therapist, but only a human being is able to assess the health of the person that comes in for the massage. By interviewing and taking a history, they get to know about any existing ailments and are able to select the right massage for the person. Moreover, massage therapists have extensive knowledge and experience that a massage chair processor hasn’t been able to gain and put to use effectively as of yet.

If you compare massage performed by a masseur with the one delivered by a massage chair, it’s worth distinguishing between therapeutic, preventive and relaxing massage.

Therapeutic massage performed by a masseur

It’s best to leave the therapeutic massage to professional massage therapists. In the event of injuries, serious traumas, degenerative lesions or changes in the structure of the spine, it’s important to get massage in the parlour. Therapeutic massage is also recommended after surgeries or treatments so as to restore full fitness and good condition of the body. The question may arise whether massage in a massage chair can serve as good support for rehabilitation carried out by a massage therapist. Obviously, you should always first consult your rehabilitation therapist, physiotherapist or massage therapist.

However, it happens that the therapist offers the option of using massage in the massage chair already in the office. Marcin, our customer and a massage therapist, finds that a session in the massage chair is great for initial or follow-up massages and makes a perfect combo with his practice.

I bought the Massaggio Eccellente 2 Pro chair in order to expand the offer of my massage parlour. I wanted clients to try something fresh, to experience new sensations, to allow themselves to relax and unwind on their own without the presence of a masseur. Peace and quiet, relaxing music and flickering candlelight … what more could you ask for? I was looking for a chair that would emulate the performance of a real masseur. A variety of techniques, variability of pressure, grip, rubbing and tapping were priorities when choosing the model. The roller foot massage, arm massage and heated seat, which perfectly complements the therapeutic massage, were of equal importance.

Preventive massage in the massage chair

The massage chair can easily deal with temporary ailments caused by everyday activities, lifestyle or different types of work. The precise movement of the massaging arms, airbags and, in selected models, also the rollers massaging the feet eliminate tension, soothe muscles and offer pleasant relaxation. In addition, the more advanced models come with the optional automatic programme, where the massaging arms can be directed to a specific spot to massage those parts of the body that are in need of relief.

A massage chair should therefore be used prophylactically. In order to timely prevent the development of serious degenerative changes or simply to improve the condition of the body and its mobility, it is worth introducing massage to your daily routine. Indications for the preventive use of a massage chair include, for example, the development of back pain, which is most frequently caused by lifestyle or ageing. Sitting for hours on end and, on the other hand, frequent and intensive workouts are considered to put the greatest strain on the spine. Massage strengthens the muscles around the spine, stimulates them to work and increases their mobility. Massage chairs also help to prevent the recurrence of neuralgia, which can make everyday life very uncomfortable.

Relaxing massage in the massage chair or at the masseur’s?

However, the most pleasant role played by massage is definitely that of providing relaxation and rest. After all, apart from its enormous impact on the human body, it also affects the human psyche. Of course, a typical relaxing massage can be performed by a professional masseur, but the massage chair is just as useful.

Thanks to the use of carefully developed relaxation techniques, the massage chair is excellent at supporting stress management and allowing you to relax both your body and your mind. Soothing, stress-free massage sessions are designed to calm and relax, helping you to cope with the challenges of everyday life, stressful work or overwhelming duties at home. And, in tune with our motto ” Your well-being is all that matters here”, massage in the massage chair is also an excellent mood booster. A positive frame of mind is the effect of released endorphins, the awareness that we’ve done something for ourselves and the overall improved condition of the body.

So… which massage to choose? 

As you can see, both the massage in the massage chair and the one performed by a masseur have their respective advantages, but also some shortcomings. A therapeutic massage should always be performed by a person trained to do so, while the massage chair is perfect for prevention and relaxation.

Combining massage in the massage chair with the work of a masseur produces excellent results, too:

Massage in the massage chair is recommended as an individual treatment or as a combined treatment. For example, the Massaggio Eccellente 2 Pro delivers the initial massage, and then I take over and complete the treatment. Another possibility is that I perform the massage and the chair takes care of the final stage. Here I use the “Stretch” programme with foot massage and heating.

And at this point we have to point out a few differences. When giving a massage, the masseur usually uses slow movements that have an anti-stress or calming effect. For many people, however, this massage is too gentle, and stroking or rubbing is not enough to reduce muscle tension or stress levels. On the other hand, massage in the massage chair feels nothing like stroking; it is a firm, precise yet smooth movement that affects multiple areas of the body at the same time.

Besides, unlike a masseur, the massage chair is ready and available whenever you need it. This can make a big difference in the struggle against chronic stress or insomnia. You can enjoy massage in the massage chair every day, whenever you feel like it. In the morning, when you get up, when you return home or when you are getting ready for bed. Whenever the need arises. And finally, there’s one more thing. Some people feel uneasy when a masseur massages certain parts of their body, for example the buttocks :-) This is where massage chairs with the SL-shape system come in handy.

That is why the massage chair works so well as part of the massage parlour offer.

This way the client gets something truly exceptional. There are indeed plenty of options. Currently I can’t imagine my practice without the Massaggio Eccellente 2 Pro. I was sure that the chair will be a success, but the interest it generates among clients and the work it does in massaging my own muscles, exceeded my most optimistic expectations.

Should you have any questions after reading our article, please don’t hesitate to contact us. And if you want to look after your health and also to relax or extend the offer of your massage parlour to include massage in the massage chair, have a look at our website and choose your model.

Fotel masujący a masażysta 2022

The statements were provided by Mr Marcin Krakowski who runs Marcin Krakowski Massage Parlour in Cieciorki near Zambrów.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Why should I choose a massage chair instead of going to a massage therapist?

You do not have to book an appointment or leave the house, but it is not just that simple. There will always be competition between machines and humans and it’s true that a massage performed by a human hand will certainly differ from the one you receive in a massage chair. However, depending on the circumstances, there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t use both: a massage chair and a massage therapist.

To explain this further, we need to divide massage into three main types: therapeutic, preventative and relaxing massage.

So what is best for therapeutic massage?

In the case of therapeutic massage it is important to identify all the facts before starting a massage and this is where the role of a massage therapist is more effective than a massage chair. They take the full medical history from the client before beginning a massage, ensuring that massage techniques are given according to individual requirements. This approach is especially advisable if there are degenerative changes or specific spinal issues. However, under the guidance of a therapist, a massage chair could be used to complement the therapy.

Could a massage chair work for preventative massage?

Yes. Massage chairs are ideal for handling temporary issues that are caused by everyday life, for example sitting for long hours at a computer or in a certain driving position or even after doing an intensive workout at the gym. Having a healthy lifestyle, together with using a massage chair can help to avoid future problems.

…and what do you mean by relaxing massage?

This is a common way of using massage chairs. In today’s society, we work hard, live fast and often get tired. It’s important to find time for ourselves, to relax, be quiet, de-stress and refresh our inner-being – you can achieve this in just 15 to 20 minutes using a massage chair.

So how do I choose between the two?

Massage chairs and massage therapists, both have their own advantages. A therapeutic massage should always be performed by a qualified person. However, every massage therapist is different and sometimes you may need to visit several before you find the right one for you. A massage chair may be the more beneficial option for recovery, prevention and is perfect for regular relaxation.

Can you highlight the specific advantages of a massage chair?

The massage chair provides precise, quite strong, but at the same time gentle movements which can act simultaneously in multiple places on your body. A massage chair is available on demand. With your very own massage chair, you can have a massage every day, whenever you want it. You don’t need to make an appointment with anyone or go anywhere else. And finally, one last thing. Some people feel uncomfortable when certain areas of their body are massaged – there’s no need to feel any embarrassment with a massage chair.

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Published: 2023.02.23

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