
Fujiiryoki JP3000 massage chair in numbers

Fujiiryoki JP3000 massage chair in numbers

The Fujiiryoki JP3000, a successor to the JP2000, is the Japanese brand's latest massage chair that offers masterful massage precision using an enhanced artificial intelligence algorithm and has a Japanese certificate of medical equipment. Its detailed dimensions and...

Heating in a massage chair

Heating in a massage chair

Heating in massage chairs, considered by many to be one of the most pleasant features, still raises many questions. In this post, we will explain how it works, describe the different body areas it affects, and list the relaxation and health benefits of using it...

Neck and shoulder pain and massage in a massage chair

Neck and shoulder pain and massage in a massage chair

Have you ever felt that neck and shoulder pain is interfering with your daily life? If so, you are not alone. Pain in this area affects millions of people worldwide. What causes neck and shoulder muscles to be so prone to pain and tension? From our post, you will...

Ways of controlling massage chairs

Ways of controlling massage chairs

This post sees the return to the basics, which are not necessarily obvious to someone who hasn’t had the chance to use massage chairs. Well, every massage chair is electric and each one has a built-in control panel. Obvious? Hmm…

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